Use Case: Incident Response

Use Case: Incident Response

Recovery & Preparation

Support the SecOps manager to reduce the time and effort to investigate cyber security incidents.

SecOps Manager
Threat Hunting Team
Security Analysts

Cyber incident response, recovery, and preparation are crucial aspects of cybersecurity that enable organizations to effectively handle cyberattacks, minimize their impact, and restore normal operations quickly. These processes play a pivotal role in safeguarding sensitive data, protecting an organization's reputation, and maintaining business continuity.

Cyber incident response focuses on the immediate actions taken to identify, contain, eradicate, and recover from a cyberattack. It involves a coordinated effort from various teams within an organization, including IT security, legal, and communications. Effective incident response aims to:

  1. Minimize Damage. By swiftly identifying and containing the attack, organizations can limit the extent of data breaches, system disruptions, and financial losses.
  2. Preserve Evidence. Proper incident response procedures ensure the preservation of forensic evidence, which is critical for investigating the attack, identifying the attackers, and potentially pursuing legal action.
  3. Communicate Effectively. Clear and timely communication with stakeholders—including employees, customers, and regulatory bodies—helps maintain transparency, manage reputational risks, and build trust.

Cyber incident recovery encompasses the steps taken to restore normal operations and fully recover from a cyberattack. It involves:

  1. Data Restoration. Recovering compromised or lost data from backups is essential to restore business functionality and ensure data integrity.
  2. System Remediation. Remediating vulnerabilities exploited during the attack is crucial to prevent future attacks and strengthen the organization's security posture.
  3. Post-Incident Analysis. A thorough post-incident analysis helps organizations understand the attack's root cause, identify areas for improvement, and implement preventive measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Cyber incident preparation involves establishing comprehensive plans and procedures to effectively handle cyberattacks. This preparation includes:

  1. Incident Response Plan. A well-defined incident response plan outlines the roles, responsibilities, and communication protocols for responding to cyberattacks, ensuring a coordinated and organized response.
  2. Regular Testing and Drills. Conducting regular incident response drills and exercises helps organizations test their plans, identify gaps, and improve their ability to respond to real-world attacks.
  3. Security Awareness Training. Educating employees on cybersecurity threats, phishing attempts, and safe online practices can significantly reduce the risk of human error, which is often a factor in cyberattacks.
  4. Investment in Cybersecurity Tools. Investing in advanced cybersecurity tools, such as intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS) and endpoint protection solutions, can enhance an organization's ability to detect, prevent, and respond to cyberattacks.

Cyber incident response recovery and preparation are indispensable elements of a robust cybersecurity strategy. By effectively preparing for, responding to, and recovering from cyberattacks, organizations can minimize their risk, protect their valuable assets, maintain business continuity, and safeguard their reputation in the face of evolving cyber threats.

Reduce time to contain and resolve

Identify potentially exploited vulnerabilities that allow initial access and internal lateral movements.

Epiphany discovers attack paths that could lead to the compromise of business-critical assets and identifies the opportunities for lateral movement and movement between vulnerabilities, identity compromise, and control failures.

By having access to an exhaustive catalog of attack paths and the common intersections, businesses can proactively protect themselves and act to contain potential threats.

Attack Path

Attack Path

Prevent future attacks

Enable understanding of the attacker’s path to enhance incident response measures.

Epiphany provides context of both how issues could be used to gain access to business-critical systems, and recommendations as to how to mitigate, monitor and contain such. By prioritizing remediation of the attack-path informed actions, material business risk can be reduced.

Attack Path Recomendation

Attack Path Recomendation

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